Mother’s Day 2020

It’s Mother’s Day and the whole world is postpartum right now. At least, that’s what life feels like to me in this Pandemic.  Everyone’s in their pajamas for a chunk of the day, we’re all isolated, cooking, cleaning, care taking, working – rinsing and repeating.  Everyone’s having one long day; not knowing which day and what time it is.

Unlike those postpartum weeks though, where we feel so alone, thinking the whole world is just continuing on at warp speed without us, Covid-19 has us all in the exact same time warp.  Remember how you never heard the word “fussy” until you had a baby?  Then every other word was fussy, fussy, fussy.  Now the word is “pivot”; pivot, pivot, pivot.

In mid-March, Indy, Dave & Lena (now 16 months if we’re talking time warp) came up to visit with us in our sweet, little (emphasis on little) cottage in Vermont for a long weekend. Then New York City turned into a war zone and there was no going back to Brooklyn.

I get to kiss Lena good morning and good night.  I get to feed her, change her and bathe her.  We have our weekday afternoon adventures on the farm while Mommy & Daddy tend to people feeling all the Pandemic/ Postpartum feelings

I get to say, “chuka, chuka, chuka, chuka….allllll aboard the schlafe (“sleep”) express; passing on tradition from my Viennese mother, before she goes up to bed.  I get to rock her when she wakes up from her nap, still not quite ready to take on the rest of the day.  I get to inhale that intoxicating elixir of warm sleep wafting from her head.  Living with Lena brings me back the feelings, all of them, the sensory experiences, the physicality and the cadence of mothering a toddler.  As a grandmother and as a mother living alongside Indy as she mothers.

I have no idea how long all of this will last; how many more months I will get to live in this intensely cozy, magnificently messy multigenerational family.  All I do know is that I will treasure this time for the rest of my days.  And I have a Pandemic to thank for this Mother’s Day gift.


These pictures, left to right are Indy & Hallie with Liberty just after I gave birth, Hallie & Liberty with Lena after Indy gave birth and Hallie and Liberty with Lennon after Hallie gave birth. There is life to be lived, even in a Pandemic…


Happy Mother’s Day to everyone everywhere who has mothered or is mothering anyone……
with so very much love,
